The reflection of the enlightenment ideals in Abdurauf Fitrat’s work “Munazere” and harmonies with “Molla Nasraddin”


  • Ilhame Sultanova


“Molla Nasraddin”, Jadid, Abdurauf Fitrat, enlightenment, “Munazere”


The article talks about the services of the Mollanasraddins, as well as the Uzbek Jadids,
which were of great historical importance in the formation of Azerbaijan – Turkestan literary and
cultural relations at the beginning of the 20th century and their formation at a new level. It is noted
that a prominent Uzbek philologist and historian, poet and playwright, publicist and translator, one
of the leaders of the Turkestan Jadids’ movement Abdurauf Fitrat’s work “Munazere” played a
great role in the expansion of the enlightenment movement in Turkestan at the beginning of the last
century, and is one of the valuable examples of Uzbek publicism. As Jalil Mammedguluzade, the
founder of “Molla Nesreddin” literary school, Abdurauf Fitrat also considered publicity a valuable
means to express public, political, legal and aesthetic views. The work “Munazare” being one of
Fitrat's valuable examples of publicism, is also author’s first prose work It is also focused on the uniqueness alongside with the points of contacts between the mollanasraddins' and jadids' social
political platform and educational programs. The determination of the history and the content of the
spiritual-cultural relations of intensive coorperation between press agencies that led by the Uzbek
enlightened writers, editors, which took place at the beginning of the last century is emphasized.





