Character of the devil in the dramaturgy of Huseyn Javid and Abdulhag Hamid
mythology, Devil, romanticism, H.Javid, A.Hamid,Abstract
A common image of characters representing devil is mainly the character of the Devil.
The image of the devil is described in Dante's “Divine Comedy”, Goethe's “Faust”, John Milto's
poems “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained”, as well as William Blake's poetry. Abdulhag
Hamid, a prominent representative of Turkish romanticism, wrote the image of Pariyi-harb,
representing evil and the Devil, in his work “Yadigari-harb”. The image of the devil has been one of
the images addressed in our national romantic literature. A.Shaig and H.Javid, prominent
representatives of our national romantic literature, have also dedicated works to the image of Iblis.
In the study, the poetic-semantic features of the image of Iblis in the works of H.Javid and A.Hamid
was investigated in a comparative way. As a result of comparative studies, it was found that there
are certain similarities and differences between H.Javid's work “Iblis” (“The Devil”) and the works
that contain the same missionary images. However, it is necessary to admit that H.Javid's work
“Iblis” is the most perfect example of the mentioned image reflected in the works of 20th century
writers. Almost none of the images of Iblis can be compared with the image in H. Javid's tragedy
“Iblis” in terms of craftsmanship and artistic influence.