Negligence in the translation of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel “The Devils” into Azerbaijani


  • Mahrukh Taghiyeva


Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the novel “Devils”, original and translated texts, Azerbaijani language, Russian language,, negligence


The article talks about some shortcomings and negligence of Dostoyevsky’s work “The
Devils”, first translated into Azerbaijani in 2011. Along with the fatigue of the translator, it is also
necessary to emphasize the inattention of the editor. This study compares the specific names of the
characters, as well as the unity of time and place, etc. in the original and translated texts, and
examines the issue of adequately translating them into the Azerbaijani language. The study and analysis of original and translated texts in a comparative typological aspect
contributes to the development of domestic translation studies, and this can also be of particular
importance for a more correct and complete presentation of the language of the work that has
become the subject of translation, the idea that it carries, the world of characters, etc., and to finalize
the second translation of the work in the future.
When comparing the relevant parts of the original and translated texts, the study notes certain
shortcomings, inconsistencies and technical errors, which should be easily eliminated in subsequent
editions and translations of the work. Otherwise, inconsistencies will arise between the Azerbaijani
text and Dostoyevsky’s text.
An appeal to the work of the brilliant Russian classic writer and realist is a direct indication that
during the years of independence, literary ties and issues of multiculturalism have been
continuously developing in Azerbaijan. In this direction, a special place is occupied by the novel
“The Devils”, speaking in our native language, as a result of the translation of Professor





