The poems written in the genre of mukhammas in Azerbaijani poetry at the beginning of the 20th century (the Soviet period)


  • Naila Mustafayeva


mukhammas, poem, satire, Sabir, woman freedom


The mukhammases, written in the first years of Soviet power in Azerbaijan, were mainly
devoted to the praise of the new system, criticism of the old system, ignorance, religious leaders, the
promotion of a new education, women's freedom. Famous poets and writers of that time Mammad
Said Ordubadi, Ali Nazmi, Jafar Jabbarli, Samad Mansur, Aliaga Vahid in their poems written in
the genres of classical oriental poetry, including in the genre of mukhammas, paid special attention
to these topics.
The famous prose writer M.S.Ordubadi in his mukhammas written in the first years of the Soviet
regime in Azerbaijan criticized the supporters of the old order, duplicitous religious figures,
described the events taking place in foreign countries, especially in Iran scourged the policy of
international imperialism, promoted the superiority of the new system. In his mukhammas, entitled
“Dedication to the Sheikh’s Sermon,” consisting of seven stanzas, he expressed his conviction that
soon no one will listen to religious figures, mosques will turn into schools.
The outstanding playwright Jafar Jabbarli, in his mukhammas written in those years, spoke about
social problems that troubled him, criticized the supporters of the old order, educated people who
think only of their own benefit, duplicitous mullahs who oppose a new type of education, women's
freedom, expressed his solidarity with representatives of the poor. Like Sabir, in his mukhammas
there are some inconsistencies with the formal canons of mukhammas. The first four stanzas of the
poem called “Hands Off” are mukhammas, consists of five verses and the next three stanzas are
musaddas and consists of 6 verses.
In his mukhammases Aliaga Vahid criticizes religious fanaticism, ignorance, dominant position of
mullahs, quack doctors, other social woes in South Azerbaijan,.
All the satirical mukhammas of this time were written under the influence of the works of Mirza
Alakbar Sabir.





