Huseyn Javid in Mahammad Amin Rasulzade’s researches


  • Lutviyye Asgerzade


Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, political leader, Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Huseyn Javid, poet-framer


Huseyn Javid wrote and created with the ideology of Turkism and Turanism; and he didn’t not lag
behind his like-minded people in the society that united him with his mujahideen such as
M.A.Rasulzade, Ali Bey Huseynzade and others in the background of what happened and in this
article it is reflected in concrete facts. In his letter written from Istanbul, he welcomed the
establishment of the Azerbaijan People's Republic and specially emphasized that “Its future is
During the republic period Huseyn Javid who worked as a teacher penned and published the book
“Literature Lessons” with Abdulla Shaig in 1919. According to the author this book can be
appreciated as one of the main indicators of the tendency to create common literature teaching in Azerbaijan and Türkiye. The first reason why contents related to the life and creativity of Javid
were included in the educational programs of the Republic period was that he was very close to the
founders of the Azerbaijan People's Republic, especially with M.A.Rasulzadeh. This thought is
confirmed by Gumral, the daughter of M.A.Rasulzade's brother-in-law Seyid Huseyn.
In the article is dealt with the Huseyn Javid’s being a great personality and national feelings and
interesting facts from each other have been cited.





