Mahammad Fuzuli creativity in the research of Salim Refig Refioglu


  • Sevinj Pashayeva


Mahammad Fuzuli, Salim Refig Refioglu, literature, emigration literary studies, poet, work


Study of the legacy of great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli is also reflected in emigration literary studies. At the beginning of the 20th century after the social and political events that took place in the country, as a result of some literary scholars continuing their activities outside the country a new branch of literary sciences – emigration literary studies were formed. One of the prominent representatives of Azerbaijani emigration literature is Salim Refig Refioglu. Salim Refig Refioglu, who was born in Ganja, is one of our scholars who emigrated to Turkey. Salim Refig Refioglu studied all fields of Azerbaijan and Turkish literature in his scientific activity and also paid special attention to classical literature. His dissertation named “Fuzuli”, written in 1945, is considered the first serious and comprehensive work written about Mahammad Fuzuli. This work with 315-page is still relevant today. The only typewritten copy of the work (code 305) is kept in the library of the Institute of Turkish Studies of Istanbul University. The work was published into a book in 2019 and presented to Azerbaijani literary critics and philologists. In the article the work that studied the period, life, scientific views, influence and fame of Fuzuli is reviewed.






