Jamshid Amirov's story “Olub, olub” as an artistic example of detective prose


  • Seyidnise Letifli


typology, detective, narrative, prose, feature


Interest in the investigation of crime and the search for criminals arose in the society from the moment when the prosecution of lawbreakers began to have a public character. Even at the beginning of the development of civilization, thieves, murderers, fraudsters and the like were persecuted and punished. Solving the crime, finding the perpetrators and proving their guilt was not always easy and required analytical thinking, ingenuity and observation typical of the chosen ones. The development of technology, the increase in industrialization and urbanization, and the increase in criminal processes in the world have created the basis for the emergence of criminal themes in literature. This problem worried the writers of the time, and in order to prevent criminal incidents, they investigated the causes of the conflicting points in the society and reflected them in their works.

In the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, detective prose was formed in Azerbaijani literature. Jamshid Amirov, the creator of detective prose for the first time in the history of Azerbaijani literature, has a unique creative style. The famous writer Jamshid Amirov's short story “Olub, olub” is an interesting work written on the theme of a police detective. The article also examines the subject and idea, structure, internal typology of detective prose of the “Olub, olub” narrative.

Turning Jamshid Amirov's work “Olub, olub” into an object of detective prose analysis, and examining the subject and idea of ​​the work can be considered a novelty of the research.






