The book of “Hamasah” and the role of Khatib Tabrizi in Arabic literary studies


  • Ulker Zakirgizi (Mammadova)


Khatib Tabrizi, Abu Tammam, “Hamasah”, anthology, interpretation


Arab people have always been proud of their rich poetry when talking about their past and spiritual wealth. The fact that this wealth is deeply rooted was a source of pride for the Arabs. Anthologies have played an indispensable role in the preservation of literary patterns as a historical process. There are dozens of authoritative anthologies in Arabic literature. One of them is Abu Tammam’s book of “Hamasah”.

It is known that difficulties often arise in understanding poetic patterns relating to the age of ignorance and early Islamic periods. Therefore, their commentary was necessary. The names of many well-known scientists engaged in commentary in the Middle Ages are known. One of them was Khatib Tabrizi. The commentary occupies a special place in the work of the Azerbaijani scientist. Abu Tammam's commentary on the book of “Hamasah” was highly regarded by both his contemporaries and later philologists. Although dozens of commentaries have been written on this work, researchers often refer to the commentary of Khatib Tabrizi when studying the poems in this book. The article provides information about the reason for the creation of this anthology, the book of “Hamasah” by Abu Tamam, interpretation on this book and the merits of Khatib Tabrizi.






