
  • Ulviyya Huseynova azerbaijani


picture of the world, concept, linguistic worldimage, lexical meaning, national consciousness


The article discusses the basic concepts of cognitive linguistics. The purpose of the article is to study and describe
the key concepts of cognitive linguistics. To solve the problem, a general scientific, in particular a descriptive method,
as well as a linguo-cognitive method were used. The article uses theoretical and lexicographic materials, reveals the
points of view of prominent linguists on this issue. The study begins, first of all, with the study of the basic terms of
cognitive linguistics, such as a picture of the world, a linguistic picture of the world, a naive picture of the world, a
concept, a concept sphere. The picture of the world is a system of images of the known world that characterizes the
national consciousness of a people and distinguishes it from other peoples. In language, the picture of the world is
verbalized, i.e. in varying degrees of reliability is presented in texts, in lexical-semantic systems, phraseological groups,
proverbs and sayings, paremias. The works of modern researchers indicate that the attitude to the concepts of "picture of
the world", "linguistic picture of the world", "naive picture" are ambiguous. The research has shown that the concepts of
“concept”, “conceptosphere” and “linguistic picture of the world” as linguo-theoretical objects must be distinguished
from the phenomenon of lexical meaning, because they are often mixed in scientific literature.
Based on the analysis of lexicographic sources and the facts of the functioning of the key terms of cognitive
linguistics, it is possible to indicate the need for further development of the scientific apparatus of this direction.





