
  • Sultan Seyidova azerbaijani


stylistic morphology, grammatical categories, stylistic possibilities, quantitative category, noun cases, affiliation and news categories


The article discusses the stylistic possibilities created by morphological units, words and expressions that belong to
any part of speech and show its categorical features. The study of stylistic and morphological features of the noun
categories of quantity, affiliation, situation and information leads to the conclusion that the grammatical features of this
part of speech, which apply not only to itself, but also to other parts of speech belonging to the noun group, have rich
stylistic nuances. The expression of the idea of the category of case, both informative and stylistic, attracts attention
with its antiquity, on the one hand, and creates conditions for the stylistic beautification of the text, on the other hand.
One of the distinctive features of the article is the author's attitude to the issues and the fact that scientific
considerations are accompanied by concrete examples.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that, although the research carried out so far has focused on the
study of the stylistic features of various levels of linguistics, this study examines the stylistic possibilities of various
grammatical categories. It is this approach that reveals many aspects that remain "hidden" at different levels of the
The practical significance of the work is characterized by the fact that the stylistic study of individual lexical and
grammatical units in the formation of written and oral speech in order to have a high speech culture requires a rich,
multifaceted language.
The author's scientific conclusions are that the study of the stylistic possibilities of other parts of speech, including
verb categories, along with nouns, once again clearly prove the national character and internal potential of the
Azerbaijani language, one of the richest languages in the world. The implementation of morphological categories in
words, sentences and texts, on the one hand, contributes to a deeper study of grammatical units in the syntactic aspect,
and on the other hand, it shows that syntactic units are formed on the basis of morphological categories.





