pragmatics, intonation, reference, inreference, communicative actAbstract
The article is deals with the pragmatics in the communication act. Pragmatics an
important place in linguistic theory. Pragmatics learn the meaning of the speech in
the context. In this paper is noted that, special role of the language signs which is
opening the meaning of the thought. Pragmatics is connected with semantics and
syntactic of speech. Pragmatics and intonation are influence each other in the context. The activity of intonation and its components means in the realization of
speaker sintensiation under the title of pragmatics function of intonation. Here also
the author brings to light a role of stress which reveals the pragmatics of the discourse. The main part of pragmatics have been considered in the article from different aspects. Presupposition, deixis, reference and inreference an important part
of pragmatics and have been investigated in the article. In the article is given a
scrupulous analysis of some texts. All items of the article are affirmed by means of
a rich scientific-theoretical material reflecting many achievements of scientistslinguists.