style, linguistics, literary criticism, art, artistic style, figurativeness, emotionality, lexical compositionAbstract
The article introduces the concept of style in literature and linguistics, shows the difference between artistic style and other functional styles of the language. It has been said that each style has its
own lexical composition according to its character, and the lexical composition of artistic style is
widely understood. Unlike other styles, the wide use of the lexical treasury of the language as a whole
was emphasized only in the lexical style of the literary language and the reasons for this were explained.
Based on specific linguistic facts, attention is drawn to the fact that the artistic style is a figurative,
emotional form of speech. The examples explain the leading position of the artistic style among the
functional styles, and also expresses the attitude to the naming of the literary style as a literary and
artistic language. The characteristics of the vast majority of means of artistic description of linguistic
units that make up the lexical composition of the artistic style - polysemy, synonyms, homonyms,
antonyms, metaphors - have been sufficiently discussed, emotional, aesthetic, expressive functions
stem from the lexical composition of the artistic style. The places of use of each of the lexico-semantic
groups of words that make up the vocabulary of the artistic style are explained. In the artistic style, all
words, phrases, archaic vocabulary, neologisms, etc. in the vocabulary of the language. becomes a
means of artistic expression and has a stylistic meaning.