
  • Khagani N.Ismayil azerbaijani


Sumer, Sum, Altai, Turan, Karapapag, Turkic, Proto-Turkic, Tora, Jewish,, Ur, Uruk, Kut, Kish, Abra, Abram, Ibrahim, Sarai, Sara, Aran


The article examines the ethnic identity of the Sumerians, and for the first time in historiography,
various types of scientific evidence are presented that substantiate their existence as an ancient protoTurkic people. The author, using possible historical, linguistic, mythological, archaeological, anthropological, genealogical and other results of various fields of science, for that historical period of the
distant past, which is visible or shown in the twilight, trying to clarify with comprehensive scientific
data from all directions, presents new scientific results for historiography, fully confirmed by sources.
It can be seen from the study that while the first Sumerologists, following the information in the Gospel, examining the Sumerian texts found through searches and archaeological excavations, stated that
these cuneiform texts were written in a language close to the Proto-Turkic languages, and the speakers
of this language belonged to Turan region. Later, this issue was politicized, and was directed in the
wrong direction by the rabbi of Bucharest and his followers, bringing with it darkness and wrong conclusions for the world academic science on this issue. In the article, for the first time for historiography, the roots of a number of Sumerian toponyms, anthroponyms, such as Sumer (Sumer), Kish, Abram (Ibrahim), Sarai (Sarah), Aran and others, are revealed scientifically, in compliance with the rules
of linguistics, the etymology of words is explained and it is proved that these words are of Turkic origin. With the evidence presented here, the author not only scientifically refutes the orderly theory that
“the Sumerian people are a people whose ethnic origin is unknown, lost in history,” but also marks geographical names and ethnonyms directly related to Sumer in the historical Turkic regions. He also
comprehensively explains the question of the origin of the Sumerians and shows the ethnicity of this
people to the Turkic peoples. When revealing his position from the point of view of linguistic data, the
researcher uses words that have entered the scientific circulation by Sumerologists. However, the article emphasizes the need to study the Proto-Turkic languages among the ancient languages for a more
correct interpretation of the Sumerian texts and a successful presentation of the meaning of the texts in
modern languages. Because, according to the author, if today's Turkic-speaking Turkologist himself
does not know the historical stages of the words he studies, if he does not know the Proto-Turkic languages, then he cannot be aware that any word he mentioned in ancient languages is taken or not from
proto-Turkic languages, and naturally, he cannot perceive either the ethnic landscape of Western Asia
(including Sumer) of that period, or the essence of the events taking place there. To help solve such
problems as much as possible, the author of the article considers it necessary to improve the Sumerian
dictionary and the Proto-Turkic dictionary by specialists.





