
  • Nargiz Hajiyeva azerbaijani


fashion, Azerbaijani language, advertisement,, slang, borrowed word


With the development of society, people's behavior, clothing, movement style, attitude towards
language also changes and acquires new forms. In European and Russian linguistics, the tendency to
new ideas and concepts in language is studied by many researchers under the name of language
fashion, but information about this is hardly found in Azerbaijani linguistics.
Fashion is a social event, its object and subject is a person. Fashion always appears in a certain
social sphere or group of people and is characterized by its short-term and non-sustainability. As a
rule, fashion is related to the change of external factors and always expresses replacement of some
cultural patterns. In modern linguistic studies, the concept of fashion is applied to various linguistic
phenomena; for example, buzzword, fashionable expression, fashionable phrase, fashionable discourse, fashionable stylistics etc. The vast majority of foreign language studies are focused on the study
of buzzwords, as the buzzword is a highly dynamic category which essence is revealed above all in
modernity. Thus, mass media and advertisements play a big role in the spread of speech fashion.
According to their linguistic characteristics, "buzzwords" in the Azerbaijani language can be divided
into two parts: 1)extraneous words that are not in the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language, 2)words
that already exist in the literary language, but have acquired a new meaning. The fact that the modern
Azerbaijani language is under the strong influence of foreign languages is proven by the increasing
number of lexical borrowings. The abundance of English words in our language comes from the
leading role of this language throughout the world. On the other hand, the form and phonetic field of a
foreign word gives a person a sense of novelty and freshness. So this unusualness, the use of
uncommon forms turns such words into buzzwords.





