Maqsud Shayxzoda ijodining yangicha talqinlariga doir

(On new research works of Magsud Sheikhzadeh’s creative work)


  • Bahodir Karim


writer, work, philosophy, poetry, society


The article talks about the literary heritage of the intellectual writer Maqsud
Sheikhzade. The relations of his contemporaries to the artist, their agreement, and the artist’s activity in the literary environment have been thoroughly studied. Maqsud Sheikhzadeh's work on the image of historical figures such as Mirzo Ulugbek, and Jalaliddin Manguberdi and the artistic qualities he gave to them were analyzed from the point of view of literary studies. Researchers on
the creative heritage of writer is mentioned. The evaluation of Sheikhzadeh by Uzbek poets and writers, as well as his special reputation in Uzbek literature, is partially presented in the article. The article’s main content is Shaikhzade's philosophy that creative life ends one day, but original creative life never ends.


Maqolada alloma adib Maqsud Shayxzodaning adabiy merosi xususida so‘z boradi. Zamondoshlarining ijodkorga bildirgan munosabatlari, hamfikr ekanliklari, ijodkorning adabiy muhitdagi faoliyati tubdan o‘rganilgan. Maqsud Shayxzodaning Mirzo Ulug‘bek, Jaloliddin Manguberdi kabi tarixiy siymolar obrazi ustida izlanishi va ularga bergan badiiy sifatlari adabiyotshunoslik nuqtayi-nazari bilan tahlil etilgan. Adib ijodiy merosi ustida olib borilgan
tadqiqotlar eslab o‘tilgan. Shayxzodaga o‘zbek shoir va yozuvchilarining bahosi, shuningdek, o‘zbek adabiyotida alohida tan olinishi va e’tirof etilishi maqolada qisman keltirilgan. Shayxzodaning ijodkor umri bir kun tugaydi, lekin asl ijod umri hech qachon tugamaydi, degan falsafasi maqolaning asosiy mazmunini tashkil etadi.

Adabiyotlar / References

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Муҳаммад ан-Насавий, Ш. (2006 ). Султон Жалолиддин Мангуберди. Тошкент: Ўзбекистон.
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Шайхзоданинг, М. (1969). Асарлар (Т. 1). Ғафур Ғулом номидаги Адабиёт ва санъат нашриёти.
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