The work “Rose and Nightingale” by Fazil Iravani: disputes and truth
“Rose and Nightingale”, Joseph von Hammer, Gibb, Fazil Iravani, Fazli KaraAbstract
Fazil Iravani, who had a great reputation not only in his native Yerevan, but also among the scientific and religious community of the East, is the author of valuable books. Fazil Iravani whose life is connected with Azerbaijan-Egypt-Iran and Iraq, educated at the most ancient university of the Islamic world – Al-Ahzar University, and wrote his scientific works mainly in Arabic. According to the sources, the only work he wrote in the Azerbaijani language is the story “Rose and Nightingale”. The work was translated into Russian and Armenian by M.Geghamyan and into German by J.V.Hammer.
The article examines the identity of the author of the work “Rose and Nightingale”.