Tragedy of Mahammad Fuzuli (In the context of modern classic poetry)


  • Yaşar Qasımbəyli


lyrics by Mahammed Fuzuli, lyricism and tragedy, Mammad Araz, “Morning wind”, Ali Kerim, “Fuzuli”, modern national classics, new Azerbaijani poetry


The article touches upon the moral and aesthetic connection of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammed Fuzuli with the modern national poetic process. Despite the fact that almost five centuries have passed, our national and spiritual ties with the world of Fuzuli have not been weakened, even is becoming stronger day by day. M.Fuzuli's lyrics, both in the Middle Ages and now, is among a number of artistic and philosophical purposes for the national art of word. Even the past Soviet period's political and ideological restrictions and limitations could not weaken or break this connection. It is no coincidence that, as in the first half, in the middle and end of the last century, the poetry of M.Fuzuli captivated the hearts of the modern generations of poets, has always been a symbol of poetic beauty and aspirations. M.Fuzuli was the great idol of our poetic youth in the 50s-60s of the last century, when our literature, especially national poetry, was experiencing substantial renewal. On the foundation of Fuzuli’s creative and aesthetic ideals and criteria, the poetry world of such great masters of the word as B.Vahabzade, B.Azeroglu, S.Tahir, A.Kerim, M.Araz, H.R.Uluturk, N.Hasanzade, G.Kurdoglu, M.Yagub, and others were developed. The article, based on a deep comparative typological analysis of the poems “Morning Wind” by M.Araz and “Fizuli” by A.Kerim, contributes to the creation of a complete literary and scientific image on the leading aspirations and moral and aesthetic researches of the poetic era.





