Images of the class enemy in the works by Abulhasan


  • Nuranə Əsədullayeva


Abulhasan, stories and novels, class contradictions, enemy image


In the article, the images of ideological enemies in the work of Abulhasan, one of the writers who laid the first cornerstones of the Azerbaijani novel in the Soviet period, are analyzed. It is shown that the most difficult and contradictory events of the 20-30s of Azerbaijan's life are reflected in Abulhasan's stories and novels. Abulhasan's stories “Sophie”, “Killed“, “Divorced”,  “Aras”, “Twenty-One”, etc. reflect new social relations, events, the facts of the era. The author pays attention to psychological moments in the description and development of relations that have arisen among images who are able or are unable to accept a new structure, as well as in their artistic solution. In his stories, the writer gives much attention to the spiritual and moral qualities of the image, its originality, and spiritual world. It should be noted that at this time it was quite difficult for the writer to write a work about the time. Because the position of ruling ideology was needed to be reflected in the work in one way or another in the description of modern events. So events had to be viewed and described from the proletarian position and ideological point of view. However, Abulhasan's advantage as a writer was that he tried to describe the events he had witnessed, without subjecting them to proletarian ideology as much as possible.

In the novels “Ascents” and “The world falls apart”, Abulhasan tried to describe the realities of the time without an author's position, and by means of many images, representing two fronts, two poles, two worldviews and social structures, realistically created their psychology. These images were not created by the author as mere enemies but emerged as a worldview representing opposing forces. He also demonstrated shaking of the revolution brought to the Azerbaijani society, the destruction of the lives of tens of thousands of people and the destruction of their destinies.





