Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


  • İsa Həbibbəyli


ANAS, National Leader, academic schools, academic status


The ar­tic­le de­als with ser­vi­ces of Hey­dar Ali­yev, Na­tio­nal Lea­der of the Azer­bai­ja­ni pe­op­le in the fi­eld of de­ve­lop­ment of Azer­bai­jan Na­tio­nal Aca­demy of Sci­en­ces.

The factor of “Time” has always been one of the important factors in the development of science worldwide. That’s why, far-sighted statesmen, great thinkers and educators have used the science factor creatively in their activities. National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev in his many years of statehood activity gave great importance to the science factor, paid special attention to the use of scientific ideas to develop the country and the people that he ruled.

Prominent statesman Heydar Aliyev widely benefited from the factor of science in all periods when he was in political power. For this purpose, first of all, he always gave importance to the development of science and drew scientists to the center of attention of society and directed processes forward using their scientific ideas and reputation in society.

The author has analy­zed and eva­lua­ted a ro­le of Na­tio­nal Lea­der in the de­ve­lop­ment of the Aca­demy by sta­ges.





