Haydar Aliyev and Samad Vurgun


  • Aslan Salmansoy azərbaycanlı


Haydar Aliyev, Samad Vurgun, author, environment, comparative, biographic, textological


The article examines numerous speeches by the outstanding political figure Heydar Aliyev about one of the creators of our new national poetry, Samad Vurghun, called “One of the greatest personalities, a glorious source of pride for our nation”. The author cites Heydar Aliyev’s original thoughts about Samed Vurghun, based on all the parameters of personality and multifaceted creativity, analysis of the era and his rich heritage both in the political-ideological and philological aspects, the environment and poetic art of the master, literary and social authority, merits in the development our culture and science, the integrity of his personality, information about children and family. The priority in these speeches is the role and significance of the relevance of the poet’s preserved heritage in the modern era - the period of independence, the direction of educating the people, especially the younger generation, in the spirit of national values.

In his speeches, Heydar Aliyev objectively interpretares the topic “artist and time”, i.e. on the connections between the environment – the author – the text and provides explanations about some aspects of distortion made by certain forces in recent years. In Heydar Aliyev’s thoughts about the invaluable merits of Samad Vurgun in the history and fate of our people, the fact is expressed that, despite the difficult and dangerous years during his life, the master, working tirelessly for the development of the science of the republic, served our people with honor - wrote exceptional importance works that reflect national and spiritual values, and today retain their relevance and contain the supporting principles of the development of statehood.





