Aligulu Gamkusar and satirical magazine “Molla Nasraddin”


  • Gülbəniz Babayeva


“Molla Nasraddin” magazine, Aligulu Gamkusar, Jalil Mammadguluzade, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, satirical poem, feuilleton, pamphlet


In the article is dealt with the satirical creativity of Aligulu Gamkusar, prominent representative of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century, one of the creators of literary school “Molla Nasraddin”, second editor, poet, publicist, actor and public figure. Literary activity in the magazine “Molla Nasraddin” that was first satirical organ of Azerbaijani press is one of the main directions of the poet's literary creativity.

The productive period of Aligulu Gamkusar’s creativity coincides with the 1910s. During these years, the scope of the poet's creativity expanded considerably. Poet’s creativity was expanded considerable in these years. The main topic of his creativity were the socio-political and spiritual-moral issues that happened in the life of both South and North Azerbaijan. The exposure of fanaticism, false preacher, charlatan mullahs, retardation, superstition and all deformities in society that were contrary to science, education and culture took the main place in the creativity of A.Gamkusar as in the works of active members of literary school “Molla Nasraddin” such as J.Mammadguluzade, M.A.Sabir, A.Hagverdiyev, O.F.Nemanzade, A.Nazmi, A.Razi, S.Mumtaz and M.S.Ordubadi.





