Poetic voice and innovation in Ramiz Rovshan’s free poems


  • Gültəkin Əliyeva


peculiar, element, harmony, dimensional structure, metaphorical thinking


Article states that each poem by R.Rovshan has its own element; he creates an absolute image and deals with the introduction and explanation of this image. The mystery in each of these images makes the reader imbued with this spirit. The reader gets into the inner world of the character. The second main feature is the poet's rich use of metaphorical images. Often, this metaphorical thought, beginning with the title of the poem, moves from word to verse, from verse to free division, from division to the whole poem, and continues throughout the poem. Here logic and feeling replace each other, and in many cases complement each other. R.Rovshan throughout the entire poem is not limited to the aura of one verse, but reveals this metaphorical image through free divisions. R.Rovshan's free poems have innovative features in terms of poetic state, spirit and lyrical hero. Just as there is a new intonation in each poem of the poet, there are also spirit and frame of mind. This is expected even in his love poems. İn this stage in the development of free poetry, we see that it has gone a certain way both in terms of theme and idea, as well as structure and composition. Free verse during this period enriched and developed poetry as a whole in various components. Free poetry strove for the maximum unity of form and content, new artistic means of description and expression were skillfully used. New poetic thinking stereotypes of events and processes have been formed in the poem.





