Literary movement of century: sixties studies and sixtieths


  • Yaşar Qasımbəyli


sixties studies, national-spiritual and literary awakening, sixtieths, A.Voznesensky, Y.Yevtushenko, , B.Akhmadulina, A.Karim, M.Araz, Kh.R.Uluturk


. In the article is studied the development of a great national spiritual awakening and renaissance that began in literary cultural life of people of the Soviet Union in the 50s of the last century. The researcher tries to analyze this renewal process that reflected in Azerbaijani literature, especially in poetry with the literature of brother nations in parallel. Because it is possible to supervise the successes of the prominent representatives of innovative and martial Russian poetry such as A.Voznesensky, Y.Yevtushenko, B.Akhmadulina, N.Rubtsov, VVisotsky and others in poetic innovations in the creativity of a number of other artists of Azerbaijani poetry such as A.Karim, M.Araz, Kh.R.Uluturk, F.Goja, F.Sadig and V.Samadoglu. As the prominent representatives of Russian and Azerbaijani sixtieths, A.Voznesensky and V.Samadoglu states, the national-spiritual and cultural awakening in the 60s really had a “micro-renaissance” essence. Today we gratefully value the artistic and aesthetic services of those literary generations, although nearly 80 years have passed since the literary and spiritual struggles of that period. In the article is noted also the aesthetic scale and national-international characteristics of the poetic stage.





