Critical targets of Mirza Alakbar Sabir in the 21st century


  • Elnarə Əliyeva


M.A.Sabir, poetry, poet, Azerbaijan


Azerbaijani poetry is a multifaceted world with a rich, ancient history. Thousands of poets have left this world to this day, but not everyone has been lucky enough to conquer centuries and millennia. Mirza Alakbar Sabir, whose 160th birthday has already been celebrated, was destined to be just so beloved and chosen.

Mirza Alakbar Sabir is a poet who created a literary school in Azerbaijani literature. Having laid the foundations of revolutionary-democratic satire, he called on people to struggle against deprivation. In his satires, Sabir created a variety of human types. Some of these characters are unaware of their flaws, are proud of their negative actions, and some suffer from bitter deprivation.

With bitterness in his heart, the immortal poet describes the women of his era, and sometimes criticizes their ignorance and backwardness in their own language. The greatest desire of the poet was to see his people on the path of science, education and culture, to see traces of his people among the peoples. It is gratifying that the poet's dreams and what he wanted to see have already come true.

In the article, the creative images of M.A.Sabir of various styles are analyzed in comparative terms with our modern time.





