Agadadash Muniri and the literary assembly “Majma ush-shuara”
Aghadadash Muniri, “Majmaush-Shuar”, literary process, , poetry, takhmis, nazira (imitative poem)Abstract
In the 20th century, in each region of Azerbaijan, especially in Baku, Ganja, Shusha, Lenkaran, Iravan, Guba, Ordubad, Sheki, Tabriz, Ardabil, a stage of development of literary assemblies started. Literary Assemblies organized in Ordubad “Anjumani-Shuara” (“Meeting of Poets”), in Lankaran “Fovjul-fusaha” (“Assembly of the Eloquent”), in Shamakhi “Beit Us-Safa” (“House of Purity”), Shusha “Mejlisi-uns” (“Assembly of Friendship”) and “Mejlisi-faramushan” (“Assembly of the Forgotten”), in Baku “Majma ush-shuara” (“Assembly of Poets”) and others, have exceptional merits in the further enrichment and development of the Azerbaijani literary environment. The article talks about the participation of Agadadash Munir from a young age in “Majma ush-shuar” and friendly relations with the founder of the Assembly Mahammadagha Jurmi, as well as with Abdulkhalig Jannati, Hashim bey Sahib, Samad Mansur, Meshedi Azer and others.