Praise of Baghdad in Fuzuli’s qasidas


  • Ataəmi Mirzəyev


Mohammed Fizuli, Baghdad, ghasida, beit, nasib, tashbib, praise


The literary heritage of Mahammed Fuzuli (1494-1556) is rich and multifaceted in terms of themes, forms and genres. Better known in the Turkic world as the creator of ghazals, the poet’s “Divan of qasidas” was widely used, including qasidas in three languages (Azerbaijani, Persian and Arabic). Among Fuzuli’s qasidas, which are rich and colorful in terms of topic, there are also examples related to the holy people of the Islamic religion, as well as a number of historical events and personalities of the period in which the poet lived.

In this regard, the poet wrote a gasida “About praise of Baghdad and Sultan Suleiman” related to the conquest of Baghdad in 1534 by Sultan Suleiman Ganuni and gasida “About praise of Ayas Pasha”, dedicated to the appointment of Ayas Pasha to the position of Vali Baghdad in 1545.

In addition to the civil servants mentioned in those qasidas, Fuzuli assigns a special place to the praise of the city of Baghdad. In the article, special attention in both qasidas is drawn to parts with a poetic description of the glorification of the historical past, historical and legendary figures, geographical location, wonderful nature, unique architectural monuments of the city of Baghdad. These parts, dedicated to the praise of Baghdad, are included in the analysis and are interpreted.





