The first examples of Azerbaijan Diwan poetry and the mission of the word


  • Əkrəm Həsənov


gasida, ghazal, word, poet, poetry, tradition


The 12th century attracts attention with a number of significant events in the history of Azerbaijani literature and art: first of all, the cultivation of great wordsmiths who showed skill in gasida like Khagani and in masnavi like Nizami, also the development of court literature (in Ganja and Shirvan), the activity of writers and wordsmiths here, the flourishing of renaissance culture, the development of many areas of art, especially magnificent examples of architecture, the intensification of cultural and trade relations between Azerbaijan and Eastern and Western countries... All this, undoubtly, conditioned the creation of a rich spiritual heritage. Literature was renewing itself and enriching itself not only in terms of content, but also in terms of form-craftsmanship and poetics. It is no coincidence that the first “Hamsa” (“Five Treasures”) of world literature was written by Nizami in the 12th century. Other types of lyric poetry also have begun popular in this century. The initial successes of the ghazal, which has become the most common genre of classical poetry, are related with the 12th century.
In the article were investigated issues such as the first examples and representatives of Azerbaijani diwan poetry and the value given to the word. During the research was used the historical-comparative method.





