Mahammad Fuzuli’s takhmis written to Habibi’s ghazal


  • Ataəmi Mirzəyev


Mahammad Fuzuli, Habibi, genre, ghazal, takhmis, distich, couplet, rhythm


There are examples of almost all genres of classical poetry in the divan of lyrical poems written in his native language by the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli (1494-1556). Familiarity with the diwan shows that Fuzuli like his predecessors, benefited from the legacy of many masters and continued and developed their literary traditions in a new direction. There are two takhmises and nazires among the poems of Fuzuli's diwan. Fuzuli wrote takhmises to ghazals of Mevlana Lutfi, Chagatai poet of XV century and his contemporary Habibi and created the classical samples of this genre.
In the article is dealt with the takhmis written by Fuzuli to Habibi’s ghazal extensively and in detail. This takhmis is researched on stanzas in comparison with the ghazal by Habibi. The similarity in terms of the features of content, idea, language-style, rhythm and harmony between the verses consisting of stanzas are revealed. It is clear from the comparisons that the verses of Fuzuli and Habibi constituted unity in each couplet of this takhmis and expressed an exhausted thought and one completed the other. It is difficult to separate these verses from each other in terms of language, style, content, form and rhythm. This attracts attention as an indicator of the spiritual relation between the creativity of both poets, as well as the high artistic power of Fuzuli’s pen.





