Nizami Ganjavi and Sanai Qaznavi


  • Zəhra Allahverdiyeva


Nizami Ganjavi, Sanai Ghaznavi, “Makhzanul-asrar”, “Hadikatul-haqayig”


İn the Middle Ages, Sufi mystics divided the world into two parts. People who are close to the divine beginning, that is, saints and ordinary people who perceive the material world as it is. The first idea, that is, those who are attached to God - prophets, imams, Sufi sheikhs, philosophers - in short, people who have undergone spiritual evolution. In order to reach God, the Truth, the common man had to go through an evolution of the soul, and by completing the four stages of Sufism, he could gain the opportunity to attain the First Idea through perfection, and Sufi sheikhs and murshids played an important role here. Among the predecessors of Nizami Ganjavi and the written sources of “Makhzanul-asrar”, researchers highlight Sanai and his work “Hadiqatul-haqayiq”. As the poet himself pointed out, he got acquainted with Sana'i's “Hadiqat al-Haqiq”. However, Nizami abandoned the strict mystical worldview of his predecessor and the heavy sermons and symbolic style typical of the Sufi treatises in his work, and created a different work with a deep moral and philosophical content, vital and new in its ideas. Nizami Ganjavi's didactic style is a continuation of the traditions of the Azerbaijani school of poetry with a high artistic and philosophical content. 





