Textological research of works by Molla Juma (on the basis of documents and works)


  • Novruz Bəkirov


Molla Juma, classical, works, textological, history of research


The introduction section of the article deals with information that the activities of the master ashug, poet Molla Juma dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his activity coincides with a very difficult and controversial period of Azerbaijani poetry. The introduction part of the article also contains brief information of Molla Juma's life, referring to previous publications. This section concisely clarifies incorrectness regarding the name and date of birth of Molla Juma.
Main body of the article describes written monuments of Molla Juma up to the present and considers the only copy of the manuscripts of Molla Juma's works kept at the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS and four manuscripts of the poet obtained during our research. These manuscripts were collected from various regions and local residents of north-western region of Azerbaijan, where the poet lived. Each of the manuscript copies and their scientific palaeographic features is briefly explained in this section. The conclusion contains our views on individual expeditions to the regions and the information we received in connection with the research of the works of Molla Juma.





