Reflection of national independence movement in Azerbaijani emigration prose of the 1920s (on the basis of examples of story genre)


  • Aysel Əfəndiyeva


emigration, prose, story, national independence, struggle


In the article is studied the reflection problem of national independence movement, one of the leading subject in Azerbaijani emigration prose of the 1920s. The works of immigrant writers in which the ideas of national liberation are vividly reflected, as well as the stories such as “Mother, I saw”, “Jafar Bey”, “Gulzar Khanim”, “Alifoglu Maharram”, “Elegant Effendi”, “Lightning”, “Homeland remained”, “The shadow that revenged”, “Journalist Sayyid” are researched and their content and idea is extensively analyzed. In the article the relevance of the literary heritage of emigration after Azerbaijan regained its independence is put forward and the importance of researches in this field is highlighted.
In the article it is concluded that the stories by M.A.Rasulzade, M.B.Mahammdzade, F.Amirjan and others are remarkable examples of Azerbaijani emigration prose of the 1920s in terms of subject, idea and mastery. We think that these works will influence on adolescents and youth to be brought up in spirit of patriotism and it will play an important role in forming their national self-consciousness and artistic pleasure.





