Literary portrait in the lyric poem of Azerbaijan: functionality and position


  • Aytac İsmayıllı


lyric poem, portrait in literature, historical identity, lyrical hero


The article examines the functionality and position of the literary portrait in Rasul Rza's lyrical poems "If only there were not a rose", "The Last Night", Huseyn Arif's "Natavan".
One of the ways to create a portrait character in literature is to revive the external and internal world, individual-psychological features of a person. In a lyrical poem, a portrait differs both in its form of manifestation and in its functional content. According to the requirements of the genre, the author's individual writing style, portrait images are presented in different ways. Artistic methods and techniques, idea-aesthetic principles, means of expression, other artistic elements and poetic possibilities of the word are used in the creation of the portrait.
In the lyrical poems we are talking about, the portrait is not limited to the revival of the biography of a single historical figure, but the inner world of the image, individual psychological features are combined with the author's aesthetic vision, becoming a means to convey the idea of the work. During the creation of the portrait, the landscape of socio-political life, the portrait of the period is revived against the background of a historical figure. Portrait images form the essence of the lyrical plot, determine the ideological and philosophical thought of the text, reveal the artistic content of the work, as well as express the artist's attitude to the period.





