Akhund Fazil Iravani, the second Sheikh-ul-Islam of the Caucasus


  • Lütviyyə Əsgərzadə


Fazil Iravani, scholar, philosopher, political and public figure, scientific and artistic creativity


Fazil Iravani who was born Born in Yerevan, one of the centers of Muslim culture was revered not only in Yerevan and Caucasus but also among the scientific and religious community of the East. Although in the sources is provided episodic information about his life, personality, propaganda of Islamic knowledge and ideas, social and political activities, his scientific and literary activities have not been widely studied. The scientific and artistic creativity of Fazil Iravani, educated man of his period with extensive and comprehensive knowledge and author of valuable books, is waiting for its researchers. Fazil Iravani studied at Al-Azhar University and his life was connected with Azerbaijan-Iran-Iraq and Egypt. His scientific works except the novel "The Rose and The Nightingale" are mainly written in Arabic. In the article is dealt with great personality, prominent writer, scholar, political and public figure, Fazil Iravani’s educational environment – Azerbaijan-Iran-Iraq-Egypt; and his activities, scientific and artistic creativity is studied.





