Azerbaijanism in Balash Azeroglu’s lyrics


  • Hicran Nəsibova


Balash Azeroglu, Azerbaijanism, motherland, nation, freedom, belief


In the article Azerbaijanism is found out in his poems. The lyric samples are explained here, which shows the poet’s citizenship interest, his loyalty for the people, language and country. It is shown that his poems indicate perfect Azerbaijani history, geography, national identity and his people’s stance in the human’s history. Most of his poems are the calling of people for struggle to the future and freedom. Although the Fars put ban against Azeri Turkish in South Azerbaijan, he considered his native language sacred. In the base of his poems there is belief for the perfect future and free Azerbaijan. The poet says: “Our country needs a son who can break the chain with the Khatai’s sword”. The explanations show that Balash Azeroglu believes the Turkish sons, whom he has symbolized in the character of Tabriz. In the base of his Azerbaijanism ideology stands the unity of the country, the dignity of the perfect character and bighting for freedom.
Keywords: Balash Azeroglu, Azerbaijanism, motherland, nation, freedom, belief





