
  • Caucasus Studies

    The scientific-theoretical journal "Caucasus studies" was established under number 12/10 of the Presidium of ANAS dated November 1, 2017. It was registered by the register of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan under number 4150 dated November 21, 2017.

  • Turkology

    Since 1970 the journal of "Turkology" has been published as a joint publication of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR under the name "Soviet Turkology". The journal , which operated under the name "Soviet Turkology" until 1992, has been publishing under the name "Turkology" since 1993.

    In 1970-1987 academician Mammadaga Shiraliyev, in 1987-1992 Edhem Tenishev, in 1992-2014 academician Agamusa Akhundov, in 2014-2016 academician Tofig Hajiyev, in 2016-2021 academician Kamal Abdullayev were the editors-in-chief of the journal of “Turkology”.

    From 2021, the editor-in-chief of the journal is the General Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS, professor Nadir Mammadli.

    The journal, that publishes articles in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian and English, aims to cover the history and current problems of Turkology, the historical and cultural richness of the Turkic peoples, and the current problems of Turkology.

    The journal of "Turkology" is published twice in a year (in June, December). Articles received by the editorial board are first checked for compliance with the requirements of the journal, and then sent to experts in the relevant field for review.

  • Linguistic Researches

    The journal “Linguistic Research” has been operating under a new composition since
    2022. The magazine publishes scientific articles from institute employees and young scientists
    in three languages: Azerbaijani, Russian, and English. New articles accepted under the rubric of
    "Language History and Dialectology", "Turkology Issues", "Modern Azerbaijani
    Language and Terminology", "Language Phonetic Structure and Translation Issues",
    "Theoretical Linguistics", "Comparative Linguistics", "Reviews", "Life path", and “Latest
    Publications" are published based on the opinion of the journal editorial board.
    The journal is approved by the Statute of ANAS and registered with the Ministry of
    Justice. The journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Higher
    Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Professor Nadir Mammadli, director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi
    ANAS, serves as the editor-in-chief, while Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, associate professor
    Baba Maharramli, is the deputy editor-in-chief. Konul Mirzayeva, chief of the Department of
    Scientific Publications, serves as the chartered secretary.

  • History of Science and Science of Science

    The Journal of History of Science and Science of Science publishes original scientific articles, methodical and methodological materials, reviews in the field of science studies and history of science, covering a wide range of topics.

    Aim of the Journal:  

    * Presenting and promoting the researches of Azerbaijani scientists on the history of science and scientific studies at the international level,

    * Studying the experience of world scientists in the field of history of the science and science of science, to exchange experience and cooperate with foreign and Azerbaijani scientists in this field.

    * Access to the database of international scientific journals (Web of Science, Scopus, ISI, ISSM, ESSM, etc.).

  • "Eastern Studies" scientific-theoretical journal

    Eastern Studies (ES) is a scientific-theoretical journal published by the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academician Z.M.Bunyadov of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

    The journal was included in the Register of Press Publications of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019 (Register No 4254).  

    The Eastern Studies scientific-theoretical journal, by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is put in the list of periodicals recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations in Philology, History, Anthropology, and Political Sciences in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Eastern Studies is published biannually and accepts articles written in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian, English, and Arabic. Manuscripts submitted to the Eastern Studies go through the evaluation of the experts and be published after their approval.

    Oriental Studies is a complex science that is of large scope in which various areas such as philology, history, philosophy, and economics are learned.

    In this regard, the Eastern Studies scientific-theoretical journal publishes articles related to Oriental literature (folklore, the Middle Ages, the New Age, contemporary age, and theory), Oriental languages and linguistics, history, archaeology and ethnography of the eastern countries, the economics of the eastern countries, Eastern philosophy and theology, and so on.

  • Astronomical Journal of Azerbaijan


    Azerbaijani Astronomcal Journal, abbreviated AzAJ, was founded by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2006. This journal was created on the basis of the ShAO Circular, which was previously published at the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory. The magazine is currently being prepared and published at the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasireddin Tusi of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan MSE ShAO). Registration index ISSN: 2078-4163 (Print), 2078-4171 (electronic).
    After its creation, the journal was published in Russian for some time, and since 2016, it has been published in English. Currently, 2 issues of the journal are printed per year. 8-12 articles can be printed in each issue, which is in total about 100 pages. Hard copies printed in the publishing house according to a pre-agreed list are sent to astronomical organizations of many foreign countries, including some universities and libraries of our republic.
    The electronic version of the printed number is currently posted on the website of MSE ShAO at The electronic version of the printed copy is posted on the NASA
    astronomical Data Base international website. The journal's articles have been provided with the DOI index since 2023. In addition, the journal is currently included in the list of scientific journals recommended by the AAK for astronomy.

  • Azerbaijan Literature Studies


    Scientific journal of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was published from 1946 to 2019 under the title “Literature Collection”. The journal was registered on May 30, 2019 at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Registration № 4223. ISSN 2663-4406 (Print); ISSN 2709-2699 (Online)

    “Azerbaijan Literature Studies” is a scientific-theoretical journal that covers Azerbaijani literature and its historical stages of development, and publishes modern and topical research works on this topic. The journal publishes articles in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Turkish. Articles promoting the personal interests of authors are not accepted. The journal consists of the following sections: Azerbaijani literature, History of the press, Folklore, Textual scholarship, Reviews, Anniversaries, Chronicle. Conference and symposium materials are also published in the journal, special editions are prepared. The journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

  • Philology and Art Studies


    “Philology and art studies”, a scientific journal of the Presidium of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal has been published since 2019 under the title “News” (Humanitarian sciences).
    Registration № 4241. ISSN 2663-43-68 (Print); ISSN 2709-2699 (Online)
    “Philology and art studies” journal promotes national state ideology, humanitarian scientific-aesthetic thought of Azerbaijan and the world. In the journal is published the articles on literature studies, history of the Azerbaijani literature, literature theory, comparative literature, folklore studies, art studies, history of press and publicistics.
    The journal aims to highlight the national ideology, individual work plans, and articles about individual and collective monographs, dissertations, as well as conferences, symposiums and scientific sessions, and current issues-topics.
    The main task is to coordinate modern scientific researches with development regularities of world humanities, to introduce the Azerbaijani and world literature, as well as extensive experience of art studies, its development trends to national and human environment, and to generalize current problems, topics and scientific results of scientific studies.

  • Poetika.izm


    The scientific journal of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has been published since 2014. The journal was registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 26, 2013.

    Registration № 3821. ISSN 2663-2926 (Print); ISSN 2709-2699 (Online)

    “Poetika.izm” journal prefers a variety of articles and researches on theory of literature which focus on the definition, essence, laws, categories, quantitative and qualitative indicators, purpose and function, the characteristic of the relation with society and human, the question of literary value, conditions in which a literary work is created and aims to carry out this process in a consistent and sustainable manner. The journal makes requirements in accordance with modern world standards for authors and pays special attention to the scientific-theoretical significance, novelty and relevance of the articles and researches to be published. In the journal is paid special attention to scientific discussion, healthy controversy, dialogue, the published articles stimulates to the development of the science of the theory of literature in a deep, systemic way and a high theoretical level; and is closely involved in the formation of theory of literature of Azerbaijan in the independence period at a new and academic level. “Poetika.izm” journal of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS as a periodical press creates conditions for the approbation of research works of PhD students and dissertators in the process of training personnel and specialists of the Institute, as well as other scientific research and higher education institutions.

  • Seismoprognosis Observations in the Territory of Azerbaijan


    The scientific journal “Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan” summarizes the annual results of the work of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS in the field of seismology and earthquake prediction in the territory of Azerbaijan.

    The journal is intended for seismologists, geophysicists and geochemists of scientific and industrial organizations dealing with seismology, earthquake prediction, seismic zoning and earthquake-resistant construction.

    The journal publishes scientific articles by national and foreign scientists working in the field of seismology.

    The journal is officially registered by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal is published twice a year in English.

    Readers can view articles by our employees which are published in other scientific journals at the link below:


  • ANAS Reports

    "The Proceedings of ANAS" publishes the reports on original and previously unpublished scientific studies of authors - academicians, corresponding members and foreign participants of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).
      The journal also publishes the papers of other authors, presented by all and corresponding members of ANAS on appropriate specialty.
      Controversial, systematic and highly specialized works consisting of solutions of standard tasks; descriptive, attributive, summarizing and methodic works (if the method is not essentially new); the papers which expound synthetics and sentences, not directly subsequent to the published actual original material, clearly divided into multiple consecutive publications, and also the papers about systematization of animals and plants (except the description of interesting findings from scientific viewpoint).
      The papers which are not accepted because of the following restriction scan be published in other scientific editions.
      The editorial board asks authors to acquaint themselves with the following rules before the presentation of paper.